Extract from a new book
In the last 10 years photography experienced a radical transformation and digital SLR (DSLR) have become a phenomenon of our time. Paradoxically, however, a number of DSLR fresh users get disappointed when seeing the deterioration of the quality of their photos in comparison with compact devices. And what is the reason for that? DSLR is a creative tool that gives the photographer much richer space for creativity. At the same time, however, it requires much more photographic skills, knowledge and experience because unlike compact devices, it leaves most of the decisions to the photographer.
The book Nuts and Bolts of DSLR Photography is the first to offer truly exhaustive answers to all your questions regarding work with DSLR.
It is an original Czech publication on which a team of trainers and lectors of IDIP worked for more than a year under the supervision of Roman Pihan.
In the book you will find more than 400 illustrative photographs, over 100 drawings, diagrams and dozens of tables for comfortable finding of all relevant information. In addition to a specific and detailed description of all DSLR functions you will get a detailed guide on buying lenses, flashes and other accessories.
And of course the main thing: everything is focused on the use of the information in own photographic practice, therefore the book can be read as a robust interpretation of the basic rules of photographic work.
Reader friendly, grateful and popular concept of the book remains while the new edition contains updated information, particularly in the field of digital photo equipment, which is rapidly developing and changing.
The book is organized into the following chapters:
- How DSLR works
- Lenses
- Exposure
- Focus and depth of field
- Using the Flash
- Color and white balance
- Image processing
- DSLR accessories